In-house accident service; officially certified and confidential

ESV is ready to assist you 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. 365 days a year.

Emergencies require a quick response and effective action. We are always able to effectively handle incidents or accidents as quickly as possible. We are even authorised (after receiving power of attorney) to serve as a professional interlocutor with the SZW Inspectorate. This means our experts can then negotiate on your behalf. Naturally, emotions can often run high after an accident, and enough space and time must be given to such emotions. However, in the meantime, we can take care of all the formalities.

If a reportable industrial accident takes place, the SZW Inspectorate will arrive and use a particular approach. Under its new approach, the SZW Inspectorate wants to make companies responsible for handling minor accidents. And to make them compile their own investigatory reports. This means the Inspectorate no longer has to visit companies or conduct an investigation. In other words: companies must compile their own investigatory reports and compile a plan of approach for avoiding such accidents in the future. The only thing that is needed is an effective plan. And that’s exactly where issues tend to be encountered…

For quite some time, ESV has been helping companies to handle their industrial accidents. This process is performed professionally and discretely behind the scenes. When doing so, ESV is (almost always) able to limit damage by compiling an effective report, which includes a plan of approach that identifies agreements concerning management and final responsibility.

But the service we offer now goes a step further: we can also compile comprehensive (mandatory) reports about accidents. For you, this mainly means improved convenience and complete confidence in the effectiveness of your professional plan . And for us, it represents the next logical step in further expanding our well-balanced range of services.

But there is another very good argument for outsourcing this undertaking. If ESV is officially authorised to act on behalf of a legal entity, it - unlike the company in question - is entitled to invoke its right to secrecy. This cannot be said for legal entities, who are obligated to cooperate in full.

Minor accident? A major response

So why put your own time and effort into something that ESV can do on your behalf within the agreed time frame? You will receive a high-quality accident report, which has been issued by an officially authorised company that can invoke its right to secrecy.

Avoiding costs

During this phase, we will always try to prevent or minimise downtime for your machines or production lines. We will do everything to avoid such major losses in income.

Please feel free to request the generals terms & conditions for our comprehensive range of services from the secretariat via